My hometown is a beautiful place. I has lived there more or than ten years. I often play games with those kids with replica watches together. We go to school by bike from Monday to Friday, and we go to see our favorite omega replica watches together on the weekends. Besides that, the sky in my hometown was nice and beautiful, the sky was very blue, the air was fresh and the shine is same bright with the diamonds of those louis vitton watches. There were some birds singing and there were many trees in the fields. I often played with my friends in the open air. In a word, everything is perfect and I liked it very much.

Now the people are rich, but the sky in my hometown isn’t blue. The trees were cut down, and there aren’t many birds. And the air isn’t fresher than before. The rubbish is put everywhere, it was bad for our health. So we must do something to protect the environment. If we make a contribution to protecting the environment, the sky will become nice again.

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